Neptune Apex Base Unit

Neptune Apex Base Unit

  • $485.94
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2016 Apex Base Unit The current Apex System (2016 model) is comprised of these components: The Apex Base Unit, The Energy Bar 832, a full set of probes, and calibration solutions.

While almost all of these components have been made available individually, the Apex Base Unit itself has not yet been made available due to supply constraints.

We are now happy to announce that the 2016 Apex Base Unit is available for purchase individually. The reason customers want to buy the Apex Base Unit on its own is because they currently own the Apex Classic and would like to upgrade.

They feel they do not need to purchase the entire system since they already have many of the main components.

This Apex Base Unit is fully compatible with all Apex modules and accessories including the Energy Bar 8 and Energy Bar 4.

All of the information, Calibration solutions for pH and salinity will also be included with the Apex Base Unit.