Boyd Chemi-pure Blue Nano Pack - 5 units in 1 pack
2-10 Days
The benefits of using Chemi-pure Blue:
•Keeps pH stable and constant
•Reduces fish loss due to pH changes or polluted water
•Keeps aquariums crystal clear
•Provides positive neurological reactions in fish, mimicking a natural environment
•Removes dissolved organics
•Helps fish have a better appetite
•Eliminates osmotic shock
•Increases fish life span
•Filters out coppers, metals, odors and phenol
•Prevents ion antagonism Chemi-pure Blue Nano packets are the ultimate all-in-one marine aquarium filtration media packets available today!
They are in easy to use, conveniently sized nylon packets that offer superior filtartion and fantastic results in even the most advanced marine, reef and/or Jellyfish aquariums. Chemi-pure Blue combines the highest grade of low dust extruded pelletized activated carbon and premium ion exchange resins to produce a synergistic formula for the health and wellbeing of your aquarium inhabitants.
Chemi-pure Blue is capable of handling the toughest, dirtiest aquariums, yet gentle enough to be used in air driven, desk top jellyfish aquarium as well.
These versatile packets can be used in the smallest of filtration devices or even placed directly in an aquarium in hidden nooks or crannies where the flow is sufficient to provide a constant area between the Blue Nano media packet and the surrounding aquarium water.
All benefits of Chemi-pure blue in convenient 5 gallon pre-measured packets for nano reef and jellyfish aquariums
Contains 5 packets.
Each individual packet treats up to 5 gallons of water
Small size can be used in a variety of available filtration units
High quality, low-dust carbon and high capacity ion exchange resins
Reduces organic pollutants and phosphates
Raises redox & stabilizes pH
Produces crystal clear water